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53 résultat(s) recherche sur le tag 'Gravitational waves' 

Titre : An Overview of Gravitational Waves : Theory, Sources and Detection Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Eric Plagnol, Editeur scientifique ; Gérard Auger, Editeur scientifique Editeur : Philadelphia, Pa. ; Singapore : World Scientific Année de publication : cop. 2017 Importance : 1 vol. (viii, 317 p.) Présentation : ill. Format : 24 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-981-314-175-9 Note générale : Sommaire : 1.Theory of gravitational waves / Alexandre Le Tiec, Jerome Novak -- 2. Gravitational wave sources / Monica Colpi, Alberto Sesana -- 3. Theory of gravitational wave detection / Jean Yves Vinet -- 4. Present and future ground-based detectors / Giacomo Ciani and Paul Fulda -- 5. Laser interferometric space-based observatories / Guido Mueller -- 6. LISA pathfinder / Rita Dolesi -- 7. Pulsar timing array / Antoine Petiteau -- 8. Future gravitational wave detectors based on atom interferometry / Remi Geiger. - Index.
PPN 203373480Langues : Anglais (eng) Tags : Rayonnement gravitationnel -- Instruments Ondes de gravité -- Mesure Interféromètres Gravitational waves Gravitational waves -- Measurement -- Instruments Laser interferometers LISA [Laser Interferometer Space Antenna] Index. décimale : 539.754 Interactions fondamentales(physique nucléaire) Note de contenu : Bibliographie en fin de chapitres. - Index p. 315-317. An Overview of Gravitational Waves : Theory, Sources and Detection [texte imprimé] / Eric Plagnol, Editeur scientifique ; Gérard Auger, Editeur scientifique . - Philadelphia, Pa. ; Singapore : World Scientific, cop. 2017 . - 1 vol. (viii, 317 p.) : ill. ; 24 cm.
ISBN : 978-981-314-175-9
Sommaire : 1.Theory of gravitational waves / Alexandre Le Tiec, Jerome Novak -- 2. Gravitational wave sources / Monica Colpi, Alberto Sesana -- 3. Theory of gravitational wave detection / Jean Yves Vinet -- 4. Present and future ground-based detectors / Giacomo Ciani and Paul Fulda -- 5. Laser interferometric space-based observatories / Guido Mueller -- 6. LISA pathfinder / Rita Dolesi -- 7. Pulsar timing array / Antoine Petiteau -- 8. Future gravitational wave detectors based on atom interferometry / Remi Geiger. - Index.
PPN 203373480
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Tags : Rayonnement gravitationnel -- Instruments Ondes de gravité -- Mesure Interféromètres Gravitational waves Gravitational waves -- Measurement -- Instruments Laser interferometers LISA [Laser Interferometer Space Antenna] Index. décimale : 539.754 Interactions fondamentales(physique nucléaire) Note de contenu : Bibliographie en fin de chapitres. - Index p. 315-317. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Nom du donateur OCA-NI-009659 009659 Ouvrages / Books OCA Bib. Nice Mont-Gros NI-Salle de lecture-Ouvrages Disponible
Titre : General relativity and gravitational waves Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Joseph Weber (1919-), Auteur Editeur : New York : Interscience Publishers Année de publication : 1961 Collection : Interscience tracts on physics and astronomy, ISSN 0074-9958 num. 10 Importance : 200 p. Présentation : ill. Format : 21 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : PPN 015247945 Note générale : 1st edition Langues : Anglais (eng) Tags : General relativity (physics) Gravitation Gravitational waves Relativité générale (physique) Rayonnement gravitationnel Index. décimale : 530.11 Théorie de la relativité General relativity and gravitational waves [texte imprimé] / Joseph Weber (1919-), Auteur . - New York : Interscience Publishers, 1961 . - 200 p. : ill. ; 21 cm. - (Interscience tracts on physics and astronomy, ISSN 0074-9958; 10) .
ISSN : PPN 015247945
1st edition
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Tags : General relativity (physics) Gravitation Gravitational waves Relativité générale (physique) Rayonnement gravitationnel Index. décimale : 530.11 Théorie de la relativité Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Nom du donateur OCA-NI-004037 004037 Ouvrages / Books OCA Bib. Nice Mont-Gros NI-Salle de lecture-Ouvrages Disponible
Titre : On black holes and gravitational waves Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Angelo Loinger (1923-....), Auteur Editeur : Pavia : La Goliardica Pavese Année de publication : 2002 Importance : XXIII-129 p. Format : 24 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-88-7830-371-3 Note générale : ISBN : 88-7830-371-2.- PPN 075074222 Langues : Anglais (eng) Tags : Relativité générale (physique) Rayonnement gravitationnel Trous noirs (astronomie) General relativity (Physics) Gravitational waves Black holes (astronomy) Index. décimale : 523.887 5 Trous noirs Note de contenu : Bibliogr. en fin de chapitres On black holes and gravitational waves [texte imprimé] / Angelo Loinger (1923-....), Auteur . - Pavia : La Goliardica Pavese, 2002 . - XXIII-129 p. ; 24 cm.
ISBN : 978-88-7830-371-3
ISBN : 88-7830-371-2.- PPN 075074222
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Tags : Relativité générale (physique) Rayonnement gravitationnel Trous noirs (astronomie) General relativity (Physics) Gravitational waves Black holes (astronomy) Index. décimale : 523.887 5 Trous noirs Note de contenu : Bibliogr. en fin de chapitres Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Nom du donateur OCA-NI-009137 009137 Ouvrages / Books OCA Bib. Nice Mont-Gros NI-Salle de lecture-Ouvrages Disponible
Titre de série : One Hundred Years of General Relativity Titre : Volume 1 : From Genesis and Empirical Foundations to Gravitational Waves, Cosmology and Quantum Gravity Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Wei-Tou Ni, Auteur Editeur : Philadelphia, Pa. ; Singapore : World Scientific Année de publication : 2017 Importance : 1 vol. (XXXII,I-CP16,I-630, XLI p.) Présentation : ill. en noir et en coul., cartes, couv. ill. en coul. Format : 27 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-981-4678-48-3 Note générale : Complet en 2 vol. - Readership : Graduate students and researchers interested in general relativity. -- ISBN 9789814678483 (vol.1, alk paper). - ISBN 9814678481 (vol.1, alk paper)-- ISBN 981463512X (set, 2 vol.). -- PPN 203795857 (2 vol.). Langues : Anglais (eng) Tags : Relativité (physique) Relativité générale (physique) Relativité restreinte (physique) Einstein, Équations du champ d' Rayonnement gravitationnel Ondes de gravité Interféromètres Cosmologie Pulsars Temps -- Mesure Horloges et montres Télémétrie laser Relativity (Physics) General relativity (Physics) Special Relativity (Physics) Einstein field equations Gravitational waves Gravity waves Interferometers Cosmology Clocks and watches Lasers Interferometry Index. décimale : 530.11 Théorie de la relativité Résumé : The aim of this two-volume title is to give a comprehensive review of one hundred years of development of general relativity and its scientific influences. This unique title provides a broad introduction and review to the fascinating and profound subject of general relativity, its historical development, its important theoretical consequences, gravitational wave detection and applications to astrophysics and cosmology. The series focuses on five aspects of the theory: Genesis, Solutions and Energy Empirical Foundations, Gravitational Waves, Cosmology, Quantum Gravity. The first three topics are covered in Volume 1 and the remaining two are covered in Volume 2. While this is a two-volume title, it is designed so that each volume can be a stand-alone reference volume for the related topic. Note de contenu : Bibliogr. en fin de chapitres. Index Auteurs -- Index Sujets. -- Le volume 1 contient 3 parties : PART 1. Genesis, Solutions and Energy : A Genesis of Special Relativity (Valérie Messager and Christophe Letellier). - Genesis of General Relativity — A Concise Exposition (Wei-Tou Ni). - Schwarzschild and Kerr Solutions of Einstein's Field Equation: An Introduction (Christian Heinicke and Friederich W Hehl). - Gravitational Energy for GR and Poincaré Gauge Theories : A Covariant Hamiltonian Approach (Chiang-Mei Chen, James Nester and Roh-Suan Tung). - PART 2. Empirical Foundations : Equivalence Principles, Spacetime Structure and the Cosmic Connection (Wei-Tou Ni). - Cosmic Polarization Rotation : An Astrophysical Test of Fundamental Physics (Sperello di Serego Alighieri). - Clock Comparison Based on Laser Ranging Technologies (Étienne Samain). - Solar-System Tests of Relativistic Gravity (Wei-Tou Ni). - Pulsars and Gravity (R N Manchester). - PART 3. Gravitational Waves : Gravitational Waves : Classification, Methods of Detection, Sensitivities, and Sources (Kazuaki Kuroda, Wei-Tou Ni and Wei-Ping Pan). - Ground-Based Gravitational-Wave Detectors (Kazuaki Kuroda). - Gravitational Wave Detection in Space (Wei-Tou Ni)
One Hundred Years of General Relativity. Volume 1 : From Genesis and Empirical Foundations to Gravitational Waves, Cosmology and Quantum Gravity [texte imprimé] / Wei-Tou Ni, Auteur . - Philadelphia, Pa. ; Singapore : World Scientific, 2017 . - 1 vol. (XXXII,I-CP16,I-630, XLI p.) : ill. en noir et en coul., cartes, couv. ill. en coul. ; 27 cm.
ISBN : 978-981-4678-48-3
Complet en 2 vol. - Readership : Graduate students and researchers interested in general relativity. -- ISBN 9789814678483 (vol.1, alk paper). - ISBN 9814678481 (vol.1, alk paper)-- ISBN 981463512X (set, 2 vol.). -- PPN 203795857 (2 vol.).
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Tags : Relativité (physique) Relativité générale (physique) Relativité restreinte (physique) Einstein, Équations du champ d' Rayonnement gravitationnel Ondes de gravité Interféromètres Cosmologie Pulsars Temps -- Mesure Horloges et montres Télémétrie laser Relativity (Physics) General relativity (Physics) Special Relativity (Physics) Einstein field equations Gravitational waves Gravity waves Interferometers Cosmology Clocks and watches Lasers Interferometry Index. décimale : 530.11 Théorie de la relativité Résumé : The aim of this two-volume title is to give a comprehensive review of one hundred years of development of general relativity and its scientific influences. This unique title provides a broad introduction and review to the fascinating and profound subject of general relativity, its historical development, its important theoretical consequences, gravitational wave detection and applications to astrophysics and cosmology. The series focuses on five aspects of the theory: Genesis, Solutions and Energy Empirical Foundations, Gravitational Waves, Cosmology, Quantum Gravity. The first three topics are covered in Volume 1 and the remaining two are covered in Volume 2. While this is a two-volume title, it is designed so that each volume can be a stand-alone reference volume for the related topic. Note de contenu : Bibliogr. en fin de chapitres. Index Auteurs -- Index Sujets. -- Le volume 1 contient 3 parties : PART 1. Genesis, Solutions and Energy : A Genesis of Special Relativity (Valérie Messager and Christophe Letellier). - Genesis of General Relativity — A Concise Exposition (Wei-Tou Ni). - Schwarzschild and Kerr Solutions of Einstein's Field Equation: An Introduction (Christian Heinicke and Friederich W Hehl). - Gravitational Energy for GR and Poincaré Gauge Theories : A Covariant Hamiltonian Approach (Chiang-Mei Chen, James Nester and Roh-Suan Tung). - PART 2. Empirical Foundations : Equivalence Principles, Spacetime Structure and the Cosmic Connection (Wei-Tou Ni). - Cosmic Polarization Rotation : An Astrophysical Test of Fundamental Physics (Sperello di Serego Alighieri). - Clock Comparison Based on Laser Ranging Technologies (Étienne Samain). - Solar-System Tests of Relativistic Gravity (Wei-Tou Ni). - Pulsars and Gravity (R N Manchester). - PART 3. Gravitational Waves : Gravitational Waves : Classification, Methods of Detection, Sensitivities, and Sources (Kazuaki Kuroda, Wei-Tou Ni and Wei-Ping Pan). - Ground-Based Gravitational-Wave Detectors (Kazuaki Kuroda). - Gravitational Wave Detection in Space (Wei-Tou Ni)
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Nom du donateur OCA-NI-009724 009724 Ouvrages / Books OCA Bib. Nice Mont-Gros NI-Salle de lecture-Ouvrages Disponible OCA-NI-009728 009728 Ouvrages / Books OCA Bib. Nice Mont-Gros NI-Salle de lecture-Ouvrages Disponible
Titre : Ripples in Spacetime : Einstein, Gravitational Waves, and the Future of Astronomy Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Govert Schilling (1956-....), Auteur Editeur : The Belnak press Année de publication : 2017 Importance : 1 vol. (xi-340 p.) Présentation : ill., couv. ill. en coul. Format : 14 x 1,5 x 21 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-674-97166-0 Note générale : LIGO = Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory]. - KAGRA = Kamioka Gravitational Wave Detector. - PPN 203903684
Langues : Anglais (eng) Tags : Einstein, Albert (1879-1955) Rayonnement gravitationnel Astrophysique relativiste -- Méthodologie Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955 Espace et temps VIRGO (interféromètre) LIGO (interféromètre) Gravitational waves Relativistic astrophysics -- Methodology Space and time VIRGO (interferometer) LIGO (interferometer) Index. décimale : 539.754 Interactions fondamentales(physique nucléaire) Résumé : It has already been called the scientific breakthrough of the century: the detection of gravitational waves. Einstein predicted these tiny ripples in the fabric of spacetime nearly a hundred years ago, but they were never perceived directly until now. Decades in the making, this momentous discovery has given scientists a new understanding of the cataclysmic events that shape the universe and a new confirmation of Einstein's theory of general relativity. Ripples in Spacetime is an engaging account of the international effort to complete Einstein's project, capture his elusive ripples, and launch an era of gravitational-wave astronomy that promises to explain, more vividly than ever before, our universe's structure and origin. The quest for gravitational waves involved years of risky research and many personal and professional struggles that threatened to derail one of the world's largest scientific endeavors. Govert Schilling takes readers to sites where these stories unfolded--including Japan's KAGRA detector, Chile's Atacama Cosmology Telescope, the South Pole's BICEP detectors, and the United States' LIGO labs. He explains the seeming impossibility of developing technologies sensitive enough to detect waves from two colliding black holes in the very distant universe, and describes the astounding precision of the LIGO detectors. Along the way Schilling clarifies concepts such as general relativity, neutron stars, and the big bang using language that readers with little scientific background can grasp.-- Provided by publisher
Note de contenu : Références bibliographiques. Index. - Sommaire : Foreword by Martin Rees. - Introduction. - 1. A Spacetime Appetizer. - 2. Relatively Speaking. - 3. Einstein on Trial. - 4. Wave Talk and Bar Fights. - 5. The Lives of Stars. - 6. Clockwork Precision . - 7. Laser Quest. - 8. The Path to Perfection. - 9. Creation Stories. - 10. Cold Case. - 11. Gotcha. - 12. Black Magic. - 13. Nanoscience. - 14. Follow-Up Questions. - 15. Space Invaders. - 16. Surf’s Up for Einstein Wave astronomy. - Notes and Further Reading. - Acknowledgments. - Illustration Credits. - Index. Ripples in Spacetime : Einstein, Gravitational Waves, and the Future of Astronomy [texte imprimé] / Govert Schilling (1956-....), Auteur . - [S.l.] : The Belnak press, 2017 . - 1 vol. (xi-340 p.) : ill., couv. ill. en coul. ; 14 x 1,5 x 21 cm.
ISBN : 978-0-674-97166-0
LIGO = Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory]. - KAGRA = Kamioka Gravitational Wave Detector. - PPN 203903684
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Tags : Einstein, Albert (1879-1955) Rayonnement gravitationnel Astrophysique relativiste -- Méthodologie Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955 Espace et temps VIRGO (interféromètre) LIGO (interféromètre) Gravitational waves Relativistic astrophysics -- Methodology Space and time VIRGO (interferometer) LIGO (interferometer) Index. décimale : 539.754 Interactions fondamentales(physique nucléaire) Résumé : It has already been called the scientific breakthrough of the century: the detection of gravitational waves. Einstein predicted these tiny ripples in the fabric of spacetime nearly a hundred years ago, but they were never perceived directly until now. Decades in the making, this momentous discovery has given scientists a new understanding of the cataclysmic events that shape the universe and a new confirmation of Einstein's theory of general relativity. Ripples in Spacetime is an engaging account of the international effort to complete Einstein's project, capture his elusive ripples, and launch an era of gravitational-wave astronomy that promises to explain, more vividly than ever before, our universe's structure and origin. The quest for gravitational waves involved years of risky research and many personal and professional struggles that threatened to derail one of the world's largest scientific endeavors. Govert Schilling takes readers to sites where these stories unfolded--including Japan's KAGRA detector, Chile's Atacama Cosmology Telescope, the South Pole's BICEP detectors, and the United States' LIGO labs. He explains the seeming impossibility of developing technologies sensitive enough to detect waves from two colliding black holes in the very distant universe, and describes the astounding precision of the LIGO detectors. Along the way Schilling clarifies concepts such as general relativity, neutron stars, and the big bang using language that readers with little scientific background can grasp.-- Provided by publisher
Note de contenu : Références bibliographiques. Index. - Sommaire : Foreword by Martin Rees. - Introduction. - 1. A Spacetime Appetizer. - 2. Relatively Speaking. - 3. Einstein on Trial. - 4. Wave Talk and Bar Fights. - 5. The Lives of Stars. - 6. Clockwork Precision . - 7. Laser Quest. - 8. The Path to Perfection. - 9. Creation Stories. - 10. Cold Case. - 11. Gotcha. - 12. Black Magic. - 13. Nanoscience. - 14. Follow-Up Questions. - 15. Space Invaders. - 16. Surf’s Up for Einstein Wave astronomy. - Notes and Further Reading. - Acknowledgments. - Illustration Credits. - Index. Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité Nom du donateur OCA-NI-009665 009665 Ouvrages / Books OCA Bib. Nice Mont-Gros NI-Salle de lecture-Ouvrages Disponible PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkThe mathematical theory of black holes and of colliding plane waves / Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (1991)