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Libraries of the Côte d'Azur observatory : General Information and services


The library committee (restricted access)




(Latest update : january 17, 2017)

Access to libraries services

Loan policies 

Borrowing and renewing library materials   :

Status :

Rules  :

Permanent employee (Researchers - Professors – Post doctoral student – ITA/IATOS employees )

A = 20 books for 90 days - Loan renewal is possible

Doctoral student

B = 15 books for 60 days - Loan renewal is possible

Visitor, trainee , other temporary member - stay superior or equal to 30 days

C= 3 books for 30 days - Loan renewal is possible

Visitor, trainee , other temporary member - stay inferior to 30 days

D = 3 books for 7 days - Loan renewal is possible

Interlibrary loan

E = 30 days - Loan renewal is possible

Non institution member F= 0 day

If you wish to renew a book you have on loan you must bring it back to the library in order to renew it.

Journals, reference books and historic collection  do not circulate (Exception : Permanent employees may borrow old books for 7 days with the autorization of the President of the Library Committee).

Lost or damaged materials and time contraints :

  Library borrower is responsible for library materials while checked out under his name, and is responsible for returning items by their due date. If an item is damaged or lost, borrower must replace or reimburse it at the actual cost . If the material is not returned within the due date, it is considered as lost. Refunding request will be addressed to him after 2 notifications of overdue materials. In the absence of response, the person in charge will be informed.

Services :

In house :


External :


Forms (Print and online)

Online forms :

Online Article request form

Online Book suggestion form

InterLibrary loan request form


Printed forms (restricted access) :
ILL request form (pdf)
Library registration form (employees of the Obs., all registered students of the Obs., visitors) (pdf)
Library registration form (other person) (french - pdf)

Old books borrowing form (french)

Exhibition request form (french)


To contact us : Service Bibliothèque de l'OCA

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